Monday, August 10, 2009

Vision Night

I had the privilege of gathering together with a few hundred friends tonite. We came together, in part, representing those that are part of this vibrant community of 1000 or so people that call on Jesus as Savior and theMovement as home.

theMovement will always aim to be a place where God can be Himself. In our beliefs and in our walk.

Five Ways God Can Be Himself at theMovement (or any church that dares)

1. He will be glorified as the one and only God.

2. He will be worshiped as Lord over and within the church.

3. He will heal the sick and set people free of sin and bondage.

4. He came to save the world. That means everyone, not just some.

5. He gives spiritual gifts and they are really cool to have.

Five Ways We Can Glorify God

1. We will believe he alone is God.

2. We surrender our lives before him and are a living sacrifice, just like Jesus.

3. We pray for the sick and we see some of them healed.

4. We witness to everyone about our love of God and His love for us all.

5. We employ spiritual gifts and we pray for them and they rock.

So tonite we met and we talked about a possible future the Lord is taking our church on. I am stoked because God is with us and we like that because when God is Himself, He's actually great to be around. When He is with us.. we pray He can be just that: God.

To God be the Glory...

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