Monday, April 06, 2009

Easter week

Wow.. I can't believe how much time has passed between the last time I posted. It's just like me to get into something and take a lonnnng break. If it's worthy of my time and I enjoyed doing it.. I usually get back into it one way or another. However...

It's Easter week!

Easter is an incredible day where we celebrate the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is because of this that many people will find their way to church for the first time in a lonnnnng time. I can only speak for myself when I say that Pastoring a church during this time is not only one of the most rewarding things I do but it's also the most fun.

To me, the greatest joy is seeing people I have invited to come to church make their way through the front door, albeit a bit sheepish, but they come.

Sheepish. hmm.

Multiply that x1000 other people that have invited their friends and family and this can be real fun, real fast.

I love celebrating victories. As a player, as a coach, as a fan.. I love the joy that comes in a hard fought battle that literally takes everything out of you... the joy of triumph and victory! That's exactly how I feel when my friends and family... the church's friends and family.. cross the line of faith and put their trust in Jesus Christ as Lord of their life and Savior from their sins.

From Repentance
to Dependence.

I can't wait to see what God is going to do not only Easter morning.. but all week long as we prepare our hearts and minds for Christ to do what Christ does best... bring us from death to life.

So I'm just going to post some random things that are happening in my life, in the life of our team and church, and some other stuff that is goin on during Easter week.

Check back for updates on the newly remodeled family lobby, and theCANVAS grand re-opening!!!

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