Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Between the Cleats

I'm sitting in my 61 Comet, sideways, across my red and white velvet seats that are way too close to the go-kart looking steering wheel with rust and no horn. My stereo is the voices of enthusastic coaches with a single goal in mind: teaching kids to play tackle football.

"What's wrong with you, son? We're not growing trees here.. you're supposed to move!"

This guy is Lombardi without a pro team or a winning streak. And I listen and smile and absolutely love the serenity of the heavy grass clogging up the empty space between the cleats.

And it's between the cleats that I find myself experiencing life. Experiencing God. Experiencing a clogged version of life in a crowded and somewhat surprisingly, compact world.

There's more to be said and more to be had and more to be experienced and more to be known and more to be lived. I want to know that reality.

and I know that God's plan includes it. So why is it that my life feels like I can't find traction on the things that lead me to the one thing I need to know best? Why do I feel like I'm stepping in the soggy grass looking for smoother, fresh cut blades all the time?

I mean, is life meant to be lived perfectly or is life meant to become that which is perfect? Do I focus on who I am or who I am becoming? I find myself struggling between the perfection of the now and the perfection that is to come because in everything I do i find so many imperfections within me. Why do I get so brash when a kind word would do? Why do I say things I don't really mean? Why am I so pathetically weak in my faith in one day and full of zeal another?

And then I start getting that clogged up feeling in my brain that feels like an old cleat still stuck working through the soupy grass.

So I sit and I listen in on the chatter heard around my ears as the coaches teach the young boys what it's like to do it "perfect" and in that, perfect it. Trying to be perfect while at the same time pressing on to perfection.

It's soothing. The banter and direction can be heard in any direction, in any corner of the smallish suburban, community park, but sometimes, it is heard just for these ears:

"What's wrong with you, son? We're not growing trees here.. you're supposed to move!"

God/Himself, part two

So I was wondering... looking at the 5 ways God can be Himself... how many churches do not agree with those 5 things?

5 Amazing Truths About Christian Churches

1. Some communities of faith/churches say that there is not just one God.

2. Some churches do not preach repentance from sin and the need of a Savior. Further, some churches say the only acceptable way to be saved is in "their" church.

3. Some churches do not believe that God heals the sick.

4. Some churches believe God came for only some, not all.

5. Some churches believe that spiritual gifts, given by God, are dead.

Question: Does your church believe in any of these 5?
(ask, you may be surprised)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Vision Night responses...

I have heard tons of great things about Vision Night and how many we excited to hear what God is doing in our church. I will post a mini-recap of the night later today.. but for now... here are a few cool responses.

"We are stoked to see what the Lord has put on your heart and can't wait to start helping. Thank you for being responsible with our church and avoiding debt and loans, the Lord is really going to bless our church for that decision."

"I just wanted to let you know how thankful my husband Tony and I are that we found your church about 8 months ago. We really feel like we fit in and we belong. My husband wasnt a big church person before and now ever since we started going to theMovement, he is actually excited and cant wait for Sunday! It is such a great feeling to see your spouse so excited to hear the word of the Lord!Also I just wanted to let you know that we were both at Vision night last night and it was wonderful. The things that the Lord has planned for this church is amazing! I am letting you know now that my husband and I are volunteering for any work that might need to be done in the church, or along the lines of the community service! We are very excited to be a part of this adventure and look forward for more to come! Have a wonderful day."

Monday, August 10, 2009

Vision Night

I had the privilege of gathering together with a few hundred friends tonite. We came together, in part, representing those that are part of this vibrant community of 1000 or so people that call on Jesus as Savior and theMovement as home.

theMovement will always aim to be a place where God can be Himself. In our beliefs and in our walk.

Five Ways God Can Be Himself at theMovement (or any church that dares)

1. He will be glorified as the one and only God.

2. He will be worshiped as Lord over and within the church.

3. He will heal the sick and set people free of sin and bondage.

4. He came to save the world. That means everyone, not just some.

5. He gives spiritual gifts and they are really cool to have.

Five Ways We Can Glorify God

1. We will believe he alone is God.

2. We surrender our lives before him and are a living sacrifice, just like Jesus.

3. We pray for the sick and we see some of them healed.

4. We witness to everyone about our love of God and His love for us all.

5. We employ spiritual gifts and we pray for them and they rock.

So tonite we met and we talked about a possible future the Lord is taking our church on. I am stoked because God is with us and we like that because when God is Himself, He's actually great to be around. When He is with us.. we pray He can be just that: God.

To God be the Glory...